Hilarion - Theater of Apophenia on FR, 30.June 2023 & SA, 01.July 2023 both at 20:00h in TanzFaktur!

About the piece:

The new work Hilarion- Theater of Apophenia is a dance performance that explores the limits of perception by presenting different perspectives on the topic of lust and faithfulness. Divided in three parts, Attraction, Castration and Deception, the evening presents bodies questioning the reasons behind desire while showing how allure changes with time and context. Inspired by the character Hilarion of the classical ballet Giselle, the work shows four performers expressing their sexual inclinations and questioning the moral repercussions of their actions. 

The performance is part of a Gomes’ series, The Theater of Apophenia, which focuses on the brain process of the finding meaning from randomness and presenting it through the abstraction of dancing.

The piece is supported by the TalentLab residency program with a preview showing on the 11th of June at the Grand Théâter de Luxembourg, the Britnex X Festival of Schauspiel Köln with a showing on the 8th of June. Hilarion - Theater of Apophenia is also supported by the Performing Arts Fund by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of NEUSTART KULTUR through the HELLERAU residency program, Stadt Köln and RheinEnergieStiftung Kultur

We are looking forward sharing this piece with you at the live performance.

Place: Tanzfaktur, Siegburger Straße 233W, 50679, Cologne, Germany

Dates: 30th of June and 1st of July 2023 Time: 20:00


Gustavo Gomes & Co.