Premiered on the 22nd of june of 2017 by the Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company- Jacopo Godani, New Worship is a 40 minutes dance piece reflecting on privacy and the consequences of over exposure in the post-facebook-instagram society. As well as the d
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 Premiered on the 22nd of june of 2017 by the Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company- Jacopo Godani, New Worship is a 40 minutes dance piece reflecting on privacy and the consequences of over exposure in the post-facebook-instagram society. As well as the d

Premiered on the 22nd of june of 2017 by the Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company- Jacopo Godani, New Worship is a 40 minutes dance piece reflecting on privacy and the consequences of over exposure in the post-facebook-instagram society. As well as the desperate attemp to be famous and the way media portrait women.

Dancers on stageIolanda de Almeida, Zoe Lenzi, Michael Osterath, Barbora Kubatova and Carola Sicheri.

Dancers on the filmBruna Diniz Afonso, Christine Ceconello, Saori Ando, Hsiao-Ting Liao, Zoe Lenzi, Michael Ostenrath.The film was filmed by Harald Geisler and Gustavo Gomes

Edited by Gustavo Gomes.

Lights by Rosa Wernecke

Costume by Dorothee Merg

Music by SAD

Duration: 45 minutes

Presented by Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company and the Frankfurt Lab for the F. Lab Festival 2017.

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